Local Lockdown Vagabondage

These last 9 months have brought us all back to exploring our own streets, backyards, and home office spaces like never before. Whilst international travel (and even inter-state travel for that matter) has been thoroughly off the cards, local exploration has made a resurgence like never before. Unperturbed by the risk of further tick bites, leeches, and drop bear attacks, I sought to venture into the wilderness of the New South Wales Central Coast.

Equipped with a backpack, wildlife lens, and hiking boots, it was time to find some waterfalls.

Something near Somersby

Something near Somersby

Even the more inland regions of national parks feature a captivating array of palms and fruit trees, and in stopping to listen they are also full of live. I’ve always found these places a deeply immersive experience.

Something near Strickland

Something near Strickland

My favourite part of this kind of day hiking over the last year is definitely the wildlife I find along the way.

It’s always in the least likely places, and on the least likely occasions that I find myself face-to-face with some of Australia’s finest.


And if i’ve learnt anything; it’s always worth going around the next corner, through the next valley, or across the next river just to see what’s there, even if that means muddy boots….


because there is still magic in this world


T Michniewicz, 22/11/20